Monday, March 29, 2010


Get a Voki now!

Above is my Voki. While this is a simple introduction, I can see that a Voki has potential to be used by teachers as an aid to attract attention when introducing a topic. They also have the opportunity to engage with different types of learners as it provides both visual and auditory input, instead of just reading the text. They are also a fun way to interest students, particularly the cartoons and animals.

Saturday, March 27, 2010


Bullying in schools & what to do with about it - Dr Ken Rigby

I just found a good website - Dr Rigby has a lot of information and links for further reading.

Some magic bullets for education | The Australian

I've just read the following article by Noel Pearson in The Australian newspaper - Some magic bullets for education The Australian which I felt I had to share. Surely this can't be right? The inequity in education standards set for indigenous students is apalling. I am only speaking from my own limited understanding of the situation and the problems with resources and educational delivery to indigenous students, but setting a benchmark for educational professionals that only half of their students need to meet the national standards for literacy and numeracy at the completion of their primary schooling is discouraging to both the teacher and the students. To me this would promote complacency and is a disservice to these children.

Any thoughts?

Thursday, March 25, 2010

New Beginnings

Everything old is new again. I completed my Bachelor of Arts in Townsville in 2000 and moved to Melbourne in 2007. Now, here I am back in Qld and back at university. I am currently studying the Graduate Diploma of Learning and Teaching (GDLT) through CQUniversity Australia. It's all very familiar but it's still overwhelming settling into a new life as a student again for the first time in ten years.

My first impressions of the GDLT program are very good. The flexibility is amazing and gratefully appreciated with balancing work and family life. I can't believe our placement is only 2 weeks away! That is a blessing and a curse - I feel so unprepared, but I'm excited to learn.

Another first is blogging! I thought I was fairly confident with computers, but online journals, blogs etc. are all new to me. ICT is not my forte - luckily, I can only get better!