Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Creating a Mahara E-Portfolio

As part of our course, we have to set up an online portfolio on Mahara. Yet another web program I have never heard of! It is an interesting program which allows you to create a portfolio including resumes, pictures, video, links and text. I can see the value as a professional resource to provide potential employers with examples of your work. As a primary school teacher, I see this as a resource for teachers and parents, rather than students. One example I can think of is that the teacher could provide a journal of the class, with individual portfolios for each student, including examples of their work. As a parent, this would be a wonderful way to keep a history of my child’s education and development.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Natahsa,
    I like the idea of using Mahara to keep parents informed about their student's progress. In an increasingly electronic Age your idea may create efficiencies in managing the parent-teacher relationship.
