Saturday, April 10, 2010

Dimensions of Learning Textbook

Finally! My wait for the Dimensions of Learning textbook (aka the holy grail of GDLT) is over, I have received my copy of the text. Hooray!! I have never been so excited to have a textbook, or so daunted by the thought of trying to catch up on the last few weeks of neglected study in the next week. To be honest, I had considered deferring my study for the semester. It does make me pause and think that if I could consider giving up because of a lack of a book, how does a lack of resources impact on a child?

The kids are asleep - back to burning the candle at both ends.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Natasha,
    Your profile sounds like studying to be a teacher has been a long time coming for you. I admire your strength of conviction in your chosen direction.
    I too got my textbook late, although I have had it for a few weeks now. Best of luck catching up! I found it really heavy reading, but so interesting it was worth the effort.
    I love the second last sentence of your posting - you have posed a really interesting question about the impact of resources on a child. This could be discussed from a number of viewpoints and the first one that comes to my mind is my grandmother's voice saying, "the haves and the have nots" (referring to socioeconomic levels).
    It would be inspiring to make a difference to all students regardless of socioeconomic status and I like the idea of using resources as efficiently as possible.
